Take list as buyer - tx
Take the 𝔉rc20 token sale listing as a buyer
Last updated
Take the 𝔉rc20 token sale listing as a buyer
Last updated
Ticker: identity of the 𝔉rc20 token
t.Dictionary({ key: t.String, value: t.UFix64 })
The dictionary for buying:
rankedId => Amount
You can get RankedListingId by querying the marketplace
Note: The key of batchBuyItems
should be itemInMarket.rankedId
which can be obtained in the response of querying listings. and the value is how much tokens you will take in the order. 𝔉rc20 trading orders support partial deal.
import txUserTakeAsBuyer from "@fixes/contracts/transactions/marketplace/user-take-as-buyer-with-commission.cdc?raw";
async function userTakeAsBuyer(
tick: string,
batchBuyItems: Record<string, number>
) {
let args: Array<{ key: string; value: string }> = [];
for (const key in batchBuyItems) {
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(batchBuyItems, key)) continue;
value: batchBuyItems[key].toFixed(8),
const txid = await flow.sendTransaction(txUserTakeAsBuyer, (arg, t) => [
arg(tick, t.String),
arg(args, t.Dictionary({ key: t.String, value: t.UFix64 })),
return txid;
// Thirdparty imports
import "MetadataViews"
import "FungibleToken"
import "FlowToken"
// Fixes imports
import "Fixes"
import "FixesInscriptionFactory"
import "FixesAvatar"
import "FixesHeartbeat"
import "FRC20FTShared"
import "FRC20Indexer"
import "FRC20TradingRecord"
import "FRC20Storefront"
import "FRC20Marketplace"
import "FRC20MarketManager"
tick: String,
// RankedId => BuyAmount
batchBuyItems: {String: UFix64},
) {
let market: &{FRC20Marketplace.MarketPublic}
prepare(acct: auth(Storage, Capabilities) &Account) {
/** ------------- Prepare the Inscription Store - Start ---------------- */
let storePath = Fixes.getFixesStoreStoragePath()
if acct.storage
.borrow<auth(Fixes.Manage) &Fixes.InscriptionsStore>(from: storePath) == nil {
acct.storage.save(<- Fixes.createInscriptionsStore(), to: storePath)
let store = acct.storage
.borrow<auth(Fixes.Manage) &Fixes.InscriptionsStore>(from: storePath)
?? panic("Could not borrow a reference to the Inscriptions Store!")
/** ------------- End -------------------------------------------------- */
/** ------------- Start -- FRC20 Marketplace ------------- */
// Borrow a reference to the FRC20Marketplace contract
self.market = FRC20MarketManager.borrowMarket(tick)
?? panic("Could not borrow reference to the FRC20Market")
self.market.getTickerName() == tick,
message: "The market is not for the FRC20 token with tick ".concat(tick)
self.market.canAccess(addr: acct.address),
message: "You are not allowed to access this market for now."
/** ------------- End ------------------------------------- */
/** ------------- Start -- TradingRecords General Initialization ------------- */
// Ensure hooks are initialized
if acct.storage.borrow<&AnyResource>(from: FRC20FTShared.TransactionHookStoragePath) == nil {
let hooks <- FRC20FTShared.createHooks()
acct.storage.save(<- hooks, to: FRC20FTShared.TransactionHookStoragePath)
// link the hooks to the public path
if acct
.borrow() == nil {
// link the hooks to the public path
at: FRC20FTShared.TransactionHookPublicPath
// borrow the hooks reference
let hooksRef = acct.storage
.borrow<auth(FRC20FTShared.Manage) &FRC20FTShared.Hooks>(from: FRC20FTShared.TransactionHookStoragePath)
?? panic("The hooks were not created")
// Ensure Trading Records is initialized
if acct.storage.borrow<&AnyResource>(from: FRC20TradingRecord.TradingRecordsStoragePath) == nil {
let tradingRecords <- FRC20TradingRecord.createTradingRecords(nil)
acct.storage.save(<- tradingRecords, to: FRC20TradingRecord.TradingRecordsStoragePath)
// link the trading records to the public path
at: FRC20TradingRecord.TradingRecordsPublicPath
// Ensure trading record hook is added to the hooks
// get the public capability of the trading record hook
let tradingRecordsCap = acct
assert(tradingRecordsCap.check(), message: "The trading record hook is not valid")
// get the reference of the trading record hook
let recordsRef = tradingRecordsCap.borrow() ?? panic("The trading record hook is not valid")
if !hooksRef.hasHook(recordsRef.getType()) {
// Ensure Fixes Avatar is initialized
if acct.storage.borrow<&AnyResource>(from: FixesAvatar.AvatarStoragePath) == nil {
acct.storage.save(<- FixesAvatar.createProfile(), to: FixesAvatar.AvatarStoragePath)
// link the avatar to the public path
at: FixesAvatar.AvatarPublicPath
let profileCap = FixesAvatar.getProfileCap(acct.address)
assert(profileCap.check(), message: "The profile is not valid")
let profileRef = profileCap.borrow() ?? panic("The profile is not valid")
if !hooksRef.hasHook(profileRef.getType()) {
/** ------------- End ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Get a reference to the signer's stored vault
let vaultRef = acct.storage
.borrow<auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &FlowToken.Vault>(from: /storage/flowTokenVault)
?? panic("Could not borrow reference to the owner's Vault!")
// For each buy item, check the listing
for rankedId in batchBuyItems.keys {
/** ------------- Start -- FRC20 Storefront Initialization ------------- */
let listedItem = self.market.getListedItemByRankdedId(rankedId: rankedId)
// Do not panic for better UX
if listedItem == nil {
let storefront = listedItem!.borrowStorefront()
let listing = listedItem!.borrowListing()
// Do not panic for better UX
if storefront == nil || listing == nil {
let listingDetails = listing!.getDetails()
// Do not panic for better UX
if listingDetails.status != FRC20Storefront.ListingStatus.Available {
if listingDetails.type != FRC20Storefront.ListingType.FixedPriceBuyNow {
if listingDetails.tick != tick {
/** ------------- End -------------------------------------------------- */
var commissionFlowRecipient: Capability<&FlowToken.Vault>? = nil
if let receivers = listing!.getAllowedCommissionReceivers() {
if receivers.length > 0 {
commissionFlowRecipient = receivers[0]
assert(commissionFlowRecipient!.check(), message: "Invalid commission recipient")
let buyAmount = batchBuyItems[rankedId]!
// calculate the buy price
let buyPrice = listingDetails.totalPrice * buyAmount / listingDetails.amount
/** ------------- Start -- Inscription Initialization ------------- */
// create the metadata
let dataStr = FixesInscriptionFactory.buildMarketTakeBuyNow(tick: tick, amount: buyAmount)
// estimate the required storage
let estimatedReqValue = FixesInscriptionFactory.estimateFrc20InsribeCost(dataStr)
// Withdraw tokens from the signer's stored vault
// Total amount to withdraw is the estimated required value + the buy price
let flowToReserve <- vaultRef.withdraw(amount: estimatedReqValue)
// Create the Inscription first
let newInsId = FixesInscriptionFactory.createAndStoreFrc20Inscription(
<- (flowToReserve as! @FlowToken.Vault),
// borrow a reference to the new Inscription
let insRef = store.borrowInscriptionWritableRef(newInsId)
?? panic("Could not borrow reference to the new Inscription!")
// Deposit the payment flow vault to the inscription vault
let payment <- vaultRef.withdraw(amount: buyPrice)
insRef.deposit(<- (payment as! @FlowToken.Vault))
/** ------------- End --------------------------------------------- */
// Execute the buy
// execute taking
listing?.takeBuyNow(ins: insRef, commissionRecipient: commissionFlowRecipient)
// cleanup
self.market.tryRemoveCompletedListing(rankedId: listedItem!.rankedId)
execute {
log("Done: user take as buyer with commission")